Emslie Group - Previous Group News
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Previous Group News (2014-2016)

Sept 2016 - John and Aisling start in the group as final year undergrad students on exchange from Bristol University. Welcome!

Sept 2016 - Majeda starts in the group as a new grad student. Welcome!

Aug 2016 - The Emslie group's ALD reactor is 1 year old!!.

June 2016 - Brad returns for graduation.

Dec 2015 - Jeffrey's MnR2 paper is accepted for publication in Organometallics.

Nov 2015 - Jeffrey wins the prize for best talk at the IDW at RMC in Kingston. Great work!

October 2015 - Brad successfully defends his PhD thesis and heads off to a PDF in the group of Polly Arnold at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sept 2015 - Four new undergrads start in the lab! Welcome to Lilly, Matt, Archie and Alon.

Aug 2015 - ALD reactor construction and programming completed, and it works!.

July 2015 - Brad's Pd/Ni FcPPB vs FcPPP paper accepted to Organometallics.

May 2015 - Jeff receives an OGS. Great work!

May 2015 - Brad's PtR2 TXPB Organometallics paper is up on asap. His 7th paper from the group!

May 2015 - Edwin's Acridanide Backbone Pincer Ligand Yttrium paper is accepted in Dalton Trans. Nice work! Finally a blue compound!

May 2015 - Katia starts as a grad student in the group. Welcome!

May 2015 - Lilly starts as a undergrad summer student in the group. Welcome!

December 2014 - Brad and Judy's alane-appended ambiphilic ligand paper is now on Angewandte asap.

December 2014 - Christmas dinner at Slainte's Pub. 7 out of 9 group members were there, as well as 3 Emslie group escapees (previous undergrads now at U of T or Brock U). See the 'people' page for photos.

December 2014 - Brad's FcPPB paper is highghted by Bourissou et al. in Angewandte Chemie: DOI or MacLibaccessDOI.

November 2014 - Brad wins the prize for best talk at the IDW in Montreal. Go Brad!!

November 2014 - Many Emslie group members and ex-students at the IDW in Montreal!: Talks from Brad Cowie (current PhD), Edwin Wong (current PDF), as well as Terry Chu, Meera Mehta and Judy Tsao (previous undergrads in the group). Posters from Jeffrey Price and Nick Andreychik (current PhDs). Katarina Paskaruk and Todd Whitehorne from the group are also attending.

November 2014 - The group is featured in the author profile associated with our Chem. Eur. J. paper: DOI or MacLibaccessDOI

October 2014 - Brad's Chem. Eur. J. paper is now on asap.

September 2014 - Brad's new PPB ligand paper (ligand synthesis and Pt complexes) is accepted to Chem. Eur. J. The paper was selected as a VIP, and we were awarded the front cover.

September 2014 - Katarina starts in the Emslie group as a 4th year undergraduate thesis project student. Welcome!

Aug 2014 - Edwin presented a poster at the ACS Meeting in San Francisco, USA.

July 2014 - Todd and Dave attended the AVS Conference on ALD in Kyoto, Japan.

June 2014 - Nick presented a poster on his work at the Rare Earth Research Conference in Squaw Valley, California.

June 2014 - Katarina starts in the Emslie group as an undergraduate summer student. Welcome!

May 2014 - Brad, Jeffrey and Edwin presented at the CSC conference in Vancouver. Jeffrey was awarded a poster prize.

February 2014 - Preeti's Manganese(II) Mixed Alkyl/Allyl paper accepted to Organometallics.

Previous Group News (2012-2013)

December 2013 - Nick wins a department of chemistry impact award for his paper in Angewandte Chemie.

November 2013 -Brad's Rh-Fe TXPB paper accepted to Organometallics - now on asap (Dec).

Nov 2013 - Brad gives a talk at the IDW at York.

October 2013 - Kelly married to Travis. Congratualtions! Click here for picture

October 2013 - Final version of our (Emslie, Chadha, Price) Coord. Chem. Rev. on metal ALD published on-line.

September 2013 - 4G09 student Tara Dickie starts in the lab. Her project will focus on thorium organometallic chemistry.

August 2013 - Preeti moves to a position at Green Centre Canada. Good work!

July 2013 - Brad attends the EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in St. Andrews, Scotland.

May/June 2013 - Brad and Nick give talks at the CSC in Quebec City, QC.

April 2013 -Adam is awarded an NSERC CGS-M award. Judy is awarded an NSERC PGS-M award. Not easy to come by these days...

March 2013 -Adam Pantaleo wins the Hyperchem Award for the best undergraduate thesis presentation in chemistry. Nice work!

March 2013 -Nick's Organometallics paper is published (a special issue on "Recent Advances in Organo f-Element Chemisty").

Jan 2013 -Nick's Angewandte paper is published.


Nov 2012 - Brad and Nick presented posters at the IDW at U Ottawa.

Aug 2012 -Kelly and Nick presented posters at the ICOMC in Lisbon, Portugal.

Aug 2012 - Kelly and Nick presented posters at the ICFE in Udine, Italy. Nick wins the Dalton Transactions poster prize. Great work!

July-Sept 2012 -Jeffrey receives an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS). Nick receives a Richard Fuller Memorial Scholarship.

July 2012 - Our recent uranium paper was selected as a Dalton Transactions Hot Article and is currently featured on the Dalton Transactions Blog.

June 2012 - Nick, Kris, Bala, Sougandi, Terry and Matt's Uranium paper is published in the current issue of Dalton Trans. (a special issue entitled "New Talent in the Americas").

May 2012 - Meera is 1 of only 2 undergrads to present a talk in the inorganic division at the CSC Conference in Calgary this year (out of a total of 269 talks). Nice work!

May 2012 - Brad Cowie's work is highlighted in the Inorganic Division of the CIC's 2012-2013 calendar.

May 2012 - New graduate student Aathith Vasanthakumar joins the group.

May 2012 - NSERC USRA students Judy Tsao and Adam Pantaleo join the group.

March 2012 - Kelly is awared a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology. Nice work KM!

March 2012 - Brad and Kris complete their Comprehensive Exams. Now back to the lab!

March 2012 - Meera wins runner-up for the best CHEM 4G09 thesis presentation.

Feb. 2012 - Brad, Simon and Natalie's platinum TXPB paper is now on Dalton Trans. asap.

Jan. 2012 - Kelly and Nick are awarded Russell Bell Travel Awards to attend both the ICFE and ICOMC conferences in Italy and Portugal this summer.

Previous Group News (2010-2011)

Dec. 2011 - Carlos back to visit the lab before Christmas - thanks for the pizza!

Dec. 2011- "12 Pubs" pub crawl possibly completed by a significant portion of the lab?

Oct. 2011- Nick wins "best McMaster chemistry graduate research colloquium" for 2010/2011.

Oct. 2011 - Brad and Kris' Dalton Perspective published on ASAP (also awarded the front cover of the issue that the perspective will be published in).

Sept. 2011 - Kelly and Nick complete their transfer exams to enter the PhD program. Congratulations!

Sept. 2011 - Dr. Preeti Chadha joins the group from UWO (PhD with Paul Ragogna).

Sept. 2011 - Meera Mehta joins the group as a 4th year undergraduate thesis student.

Sept 2011 - Brad and Kris present posters at the IMEBoron Conference in Niagara. Brad is selected for a flash oral presentation.

Aug. 2011 - Elena Rose Emslie born August 21.

Aug. 2011 - Lab beach day at Wasaga Beach.

July 2011 - Emslie presents aspects of Sougandi, Bala, Nick and Kris' research at the Rare Earth Research Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

May 2011 - Jeffrey Price joins the group as a graduate student.

May 2011 - Kris and Nick present posters at the CSC in Montreal. Brad presents a talk.

March 2011 - Brad is awarded an NSERC PGS-D.

March 2011 - Nick is awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS).

March 2011 - Jeffrey is 1 of 2 runners-up for the Hyperchem undergrad thesis presentation award.


December 2010 - 6 Papers published in 2010 - Congratulations Carlos (Dalton Trans), Carlos & Terry (JOMC), Brad (Inorg. Chem.), Kris (Angew. Chem.) and Bala (Chem. Mater. x 2).

December 2010 - Kris engaged to Carly. Congrats!

December 2010 - Kris presents a poster on his work at Pacifichem in Hawaii.

December 2010 - Carlos starts work in his new position as a Research Chemist in the Polyolefins Catalyst and Product Development at Chevron Phillips in Oklahoma. Good luck!

November 2010 - Kris gives a talk at the IDW in Windsor. Brad wins a poster prize.

May 2010 - Brad presents a talk at the CSC in Toronto. Kris presents a poster.

May 2010 - Brad and Kris complete their transfer exams to enter the PhD program.

April 2010 - Carlos successfully defends his PhD thesis - Congratulations Dr. Cruz!


Nothing before 2010... The "group news" section of the website was only initiated in 2010/2011.